Stone Age HAA The Holy MAA

Stone Age HAA The Holy MAA

Writing - Noise - Magic

Friday, April 6, 2012

Shooting Children

Driving dawn is wider did I remembered
what in my headgrasp died
up against skull clanging
waking waking waking dry.

Sunrise spread out over Cleveland like a Mother.

Here is a song – builds a well – welling chest – Here.

Here is this life
this life never so close so sweet
so close to the end of America.
O’ shell America.

Bridges coming down.
Water sitting empty.
And sudden March heat
exposes how dirty the air
dirty the air how dirty the air has become.
And never new again, not even in sudden spring.
Shame on us shame in our lungs shame the dirty air.

O’ Sweet Earth MAA – men are shooting children on your shaved body.
Florida – France – Afghanistan
Sweet Earth MAA – men are shooting children on your shaved body. 

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